The finishing touch

Putting the final touches on a project is very rewarding, as it brings your vision to life—like decorating a cake. I've learned that being thorough at the end is key. One coat of polyurethane or paint is usually not enough. Applying polyurethane can be tricky, so I want to share a technique I've picked up recently to help you avoid my past frustrations.

After cleaning, sanding, staining, or painting your piece and letting it dry, apply a coat of matte polyurethane and let it dry overnight. Sand it with a 600 grit orbital sander until smooth, even if it looks foggy or uneven at first. Then, add another coat of matte poly and repeat the sanding until it's smooth. Finally, apply a semi-gloss or gloss polyurethane and let it dry. The surface should be even and smooth. If you notice any grittiness when fully dry, just wipe it with a dry microfiber cloth. I use a similar method while painting, as it gives the piece a cleaner, polished look.




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