The finishing touch

Adding the final touches to any project is the part that can be the most rewarding. This is the time when the vision is made a reality. It is kindred to decorating the cake.

One thing I have learned is the importance of being methodical through the end. One coat of poly is never enough, no matter what it says on the can. One coat of paint is never enough.

Applying polyurethane is tricky. I want to share a trick I am learned over the years. Well, okay, to be honest, only recently. But, I want to share to save you the time and frustration I have experienced prior to adapting this process.

Once your piece is cleaned, sanded, stained or painted, and then fully dry, add a coat of matte poly. Allow to dry overnight. Sand with an orbital sander with at least a 600 grit sandpaper (I KNOW, super scary, but trust me). The piece will look foggy and you will see some uneven areas in the poly. Sand until smooth. Add another coat of matte poly and repeat. Once fully smooth, add a semi-gloss or gloss poly and allow to dry. The surface should look even and smooth. You may feel a little grittiness once it is fully dry. If you do, simply wipe down with a dry microfiber cloth.

I use a similar process when during the painting process. It just gives the piece a cleaner, more finished, polished look.




Why repurpose old Stuff?