Why repurpose old Stuff?

As a country we throw about 16 billion tons of home decor away every year. Sadly, we are replacing this with items that are of lesser quality for expedience and cost. This consumerism approach to home decor is affecting our environment.

It is time to reevaluate how we spend our money. Sure! Items from the big box stores are enticing because of cost and they sure know how to market, but at what overall cost to the planet?

There are many many pieces of furniture and vintage decor out there and I am happy to say the tide is turning. People are becoming more and more interested in the value and history these pieces bring to the overall feeling of home.

The work that goes into repurposing is not for the faint of heart. It can be challenging but the end result is so rewarding. Follow this blog for tips and tricks to make the pieces you repurpose beautiful and timeless.


The finishing touch